EAB Premium is a superior elasticated adhesive bandage, the strength and the support it provides is exceptional, making it the choice for physiotherapists and professional sports athletes.
The premium bandage is a professional support bandage, it’s a superior quality material offers a stronger and longer lasting support for injuries and muscle/joint pains. A physio can stabilise joints, ligaments and tendons with the bandage and be confident that it will not move, even during an intense workout.
It’s a great injury prevention tool, that can be used whilst competing in sport or training. To support possible injuries, such as calf strains, tight hamstrings, or to relieve pain with arch support, or turf toe taping. Alternatively, the premium EAB is ideal for rehabilitation usage, treating serious and long-term injuries.
If you’re a club physio that needs EAB for game days or short term application, Steroplast EAB is a more appropriate and cost-effective option. The Premium EAB can be applied to an injury, then stay in place for several days. EAB Tearlite, is the crinkle-feel version that tears easily by hand, making it ideal for football, rugby and all sports where fast treatment is key.
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