
It is vital that all first aiders and sports venues have eyewash and sterile dressings. To cleanse and protect eye injuries, reducing the possibility of permanent damage.

7 results
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7 results
Eyecare All
1293 Enswell Eye Iron
First AidBoxingPhysioEyecare

Enswell Eye Iron

A must-have item for high-level contact sports for treating cuts and bruises...

1410 20ml Eyewash Station
ClubFirst AidStaffEyecareSteroplast Branded Products

Eyewash and Wound Wash 20ml Station

A durable, wall-mounted eye and wound wash station that is easy to...

1416 500ml Eyewash Station
First AidClubStaffEyecareSteroplast Branded Products

Eyewash and Wound Wash 500ml Station

A durable, wall-mounted eyewash station that could save someone’s sight Easily positioned...

web 600px sterowash eyecare kit 2
ClubFirst AidStaffEyecareSteroplast Branded Products

Premier Eye and Wound Care Kit

The premier first aid kit designed for ocular, topical irrigation and wound...

1912 Steropax Eyepad 2
First AidBandagesTraumaEyecareSteroplast Branded Products

Steropax Eyepad

For dressing damage to an individual’s eye and preventing further damage High...

1400W Sterowash 20ml Pods 2
First AidAdventureClubBasketballBoxingCricketPhysioStaffCyclingFootballHockeyNetballRugbyEyecareSteroplast Branded Products

Sterowash Eyewash and Wound Wash 20ml Pods

20ml sterile eye and wound wash pods with twist-tops for instant use...

1405 500ml Eyewash
ClubFirst AidBoxingManagementStaffFootballHealth & Therapy ProfessionalsRugbyEyecareSteroplast Branded Products

Sterowash Eyewash and Wound Wash 500ml Bottle

500ml sterile eye and wound wash twist top bottle for instant use...
