Mike James at the Injury Rehab Network
Mike James AKA, The Endurance Physio and Director at Sports Injury Fix was the expert guest speaker at the first Injury Rehab Network event of 2020.
Mike’s talk ‘Strength Training for Endurance Runners, Is it Such a Simple Approach?’ provided a fantastic insight into the evidence base around strength training for endurance sport, exploring the pros and cons of current research and available evidence. Mike also provided simple tips for therapists to take away and apply in practice.
The February event was attended by 18 professionals with a fantastic mix of disciplines and skills represented including professional football and rugby, osteopathy, physiotherapy, running and triathlon coaching, sports therapy, nutrition and hypnotherapy.
Mike James – The Endurance Physio
Mike is a former Military Physical Training Instructor and rehabilitation specialist, fitness expert and Sports Rehabilitator. Widely known as “The Endurance Physio“, he has over 20 years experience as an ultra-endurance athlete and therapist, competing and treating worldwide.
Mike has completed over 150 marathons and ultra-marathons ranging from the classic 26.2-mile course up to 250-mile, multi day events. He has also completed many ultra-triathlon and open water swimming challenges.
Over the years, Mike has established as a strong reputation in the therapy world. Many of Mike’s articles have been published in national magazines, and he is a regular speaker at conferences and shows, as well as running his own courses and workshops. His qualifications include an MSc in Physiotherapy, as well as degrees in Sports Rehabilitation, strength conditioning and Sports Science.
Mike is also Director of Sports Injury Fix – ‘the’ platform for sports therapists and a website aimed at helping the public find the right therapist.
Strength Training for Endurance Runners, is it Such a Simple Approach?
The theme of Mike’s talk was strength training for endurance running and started with a question to the group about how many of them currently include strength training in their work with clients and athletes. Around 50% of the group currently encourage people to do strength training and the general consensus was that strength training is positive both for improving performance and reducing sports injuries.
Mike provided a lighthearted yet scientific talk where he explored:
- injuries amongst endurance athletes
- how strength training could help to tip the balance for increasing both training load and tissue capacity
- does strength training reduce the risk of injury and improve performance
- the effects of strength training on endurance performance
- the current evidence for the impact of strength training on reducing sports injuries
- the strengths and weaknesses of current evidence for strength training for runners
- how to apply and simplify strength training for endurance runners
- resources and help available
- strength training for the next generation (youth resistance training)
The Evidence Base for Strength Training for Endurance Sport
The expert opinions, evidence and facts covered throughout Mike’s detailed talk were summarised with some handy take home messages including;
- Strength training can be easily simplified and equally over complicated
- Take caution not to bring personal and professional biases into the application of strength training
- Old habits die hard – some people may need just the seeds of a strength training idea initially
- Make it accessible and keep it simple
- Evidence is strong for the impact of strength training on improving performance but not yet conclusive for reducing injuries
The Overall Message is Simple – Why Wouldn’t You Do Strength Training?
Having attended the recent Seminar I can recommend these opportunities as a great way to meet and network with local industry professionals and earn valuable CPD points, a very welcoming team led by Andrew at Steroplast in their modern comfortable conference room made us feel very welcome with refreshments, a great speaker Mike James, AKA the Endurance Physio and a sample pack of their product range. Highly recommended 5 stars – Gary Benson, The Sports Therapy Association
Injury Rehab Network
The Steroplast Injury Rehab Network is a superb and innovative idea that can only benefit therapists. To provide an opportunity for local multidisciplinary therapists to learn from each other and others, whilst networking and introducing people that can help each other is simply groundbreaking. Having had the pleasure to attend a recent event it, the positive discussion and energy in the room was palpable. Steroplast have truly hit it out of the park with this! – Mike James
Sterosport is an arm of Steroplast Healthcare dedicated to supporting sports professionals in Manchester and the surrounding area. In 2019, Sterosport established the Injury Rehab Network as a means for sports injury professionals to network, share ideas and collaborate. The events provide a fantastic opportunity for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for any therapists, physios, rehabilitators or other sports professionals to keep up to date with the latest thinking, developments and evidence in the sector.
The format of each event is a keynote speech, followed by a discussion and facilitated networking. The Injury Rehab Network organisers work hard to source well known authorities or personalities in sport. Previous speakers include paralympian Hannah Dines, leading physiotherapist Dave Fevre, Acedmic and elite sport rehabilitator Lee Herrington, Prof Shah Khan (The Scan Doctor) and Andy Hosgood, co-founder of Summit Physiotherapy.
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