Injury Rehab Network NW Gets off to a Flying Start

Injury Rehab Network NW 1

The inaugural event of the Injury Rehab Network North West took place on the third of April 2019. And we’re delighted to report that it was a complete success. Not only was it extremely well attended, but we had an extremely interesting and useful discussion, and agreed upon some important actions. Here’s a brief summary of what took place.

First, for those who don’t know about the Injury Rehab Network NW. It is our virtual group which hosts a series of free events. This group is designed to bring together professionals from the medical, academic, sport and health sectors. Helping to improve performance and rehabilitation from sporting injuries. If you’d like to know more about the origins, aims and intentions of the group you can do so here.

Injury Rehab Network NW Head Speaker

Of course, the inaugural event needed a prestigious speaker. So it was fantastic to have Hannah Dines! Hannah is a Paralympian, scientist and writer – and the  current 100m world record holder and European gold medallist in RaceRunning. Hannah introduced the evening with an inspirational talk about her journey to becoming an athlete, as well as her work as a scientist. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank Hannah for her support, and for helping to kickstart the group with such enthusiasm.

After Hannah’s talk, the group got down to the business of the day. A lively and fruitful discussion of some of the key challenges in sports rehab faced by clubs and individuals. A copy of the complete agenda is available on request, but the wide ranging discussions included topics such as:

  • Raising awareness of the benefits of sports therapy/physio
  • How to provide guidance to athletes and participants at all levels
  • Addressing the knowledge transfer lag between elite and grassroots levels in sport

The group also discussed many aspects of best practice in sport. Opportunities for development; such as mentorship and making the case to NGBs and other partners, for prehab and rehab. It was agreed that members would give thought to these issues, and others, and that we would discuss how we might work together to develop and improve practice at the next meeting.

New Members Welcome!

If you would like to join the group, and help establish Manchester and the North West as the leading place for injury rehab, you will be very welcome – simply contact Andrew Watson on andrew@sterosport.co.uk.

Alternatively, you can also add yourself to the Network right now, join the virtual LinkedIn group here.

Please enter your details into the form below along with any questions or comments and a member of our team will be happy to provide you with more information:

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