Claire Robertson's profile

Claire Robertson — Patellofemoral Update — Injury Rehab Network

Location (Online) Zoom

knee injury being tended to

The November 2024 Injury Rehab Network event with BASRaT, is taking place on Thursday 7th November with a presentation from Claire Robertson AKA Claire Patella. Claire will talk about rehabilitation of patients with Patellofemoral pain (PFP). Taking place online on Thursday 7th November 2024 from 7pm – 8pm. Click here for the post event blog and recording

Claire Robertson @clairepatella, Chartered Physiotherapist

Claire Robertson qualified in 1994 with a BSc(hons) in Physiotherapy. She has since obtained her MSc Physiotherapy in 2003 and PGCE in 2006. Claire has worked in the NHS, academia and private practice and currently runs a specialist patellofemoral clinic at Fortius Clinic, spending an hour per patient and liaising closely with their treating clinician. Claire is also the physiotherapist for the Warren Smith Ski Academy.

Claire has lectured internationally and has many research papers and editorials published in internationally peer-reviewed journals. She is also a reviewer herself for Physiotherapy Research International, Physical Therapy in Sport, Clinical Anatomy and Physiotherapy. Claire runs her own post-graduate course on patellofemoral problems for physiotherapists.

Claire sits on the committee for the British Patellofemoral Society and is on the sub-committee of BASK (British Association for Surgery of the Knee) for developing best practice guidelines for patella instability.

Claire has always enjoyed sports and played tennis to GB standard as a junior. She has a love of all outdoor sports, particularly skiing and hiking. She has two children and understands the difficulties of combining rehabilitation with a busy life!

“Patellofemoral Update”

In this presentation, Claire will share her experience and research to talk about rehabilitation of patients with Patellofemoral pain (PFP). She will talk about how to integrate strength, flexibility, and movement retraining with tips on how to manage kinesiophobia and fear avoidance. She will discuss challenges around exercising with pain and will explore keeping runners running!

Post event blog and recording – click here

The next event of the Injury Rehab Network

The next event of the Injury Rehab Network in partnership with BASRaT will take place online on Thursday 7th November from 7pm – 8pm. Anyone professionally involved with or studying sports medicine, performance and rehabilitation from injury is welcome to attend – the post event blog and recording are available online here.

There is a LinkedIn group for the Injury Rehab Network where the latest updates and information are shared.

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