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Angela Jackson — Integrating Neurocognitive Rehab in to Return to Sport Protocols

Location Online (Zoom)

The May 2024 Injury Rehab Network event with BASRaT, is taking place on 13th May with a presentation from Angela Jackson, Physiotherapist. Angela will discuss the role of neurocognitive rehab in rehabilitation following ligament injuries. Taking place online on Monday, 13th May 2024, from 7pm – 8pm. Click here to read the post event blog and watch the recording.

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Angela Jackson, Chartered Physiotherapist

Angela Jackson is a Chartered Physiotherapist who, over the last 35 years, has dedicated her career to understanding youth athlete injuries.

She owned a highly successful physiotherapy clinic for 30 years and has become an expert in youth injury risk factors, helping hundreds of children reach their athletic potential.

For almost two decades, she has worked as the Physiotherapist to the Cheshire Cricket Board and advises Premier League Football Academies across the globe. As a passionate educator, Angela lectures internationally, is the author of multiple online courses, and advocates for a specialised approach to rehabilitating injured young athletes through the platform, “Kids Back 2 Sport.

Angela’s presentation, “Integrating neurocognitive rehab in to return to sport protocols” will consider how to train the brain, not just the sprain, in the rehabilitation of young athletes’ sports injuries.

Post event blog and recording

The next event of the Injury Rehab Network

The next event of the Injury Rehab Network in partnership with BASRaT will take place online on Monday 13th May 2024 from 7pm – 8pm. Anyone professionally involved with or studying sports medicine, performance and rehabilitation from injury is welcome to attend. The post event blog and recording are available here.

There is a LinkedIn group for the Injury Rehab Network where the latest updates and information are shared.

Please enter your details into the form below along with any questions or comments, and a member of our team will be happy to provide you with more information:

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