Colin Lewin

Colin Lewin — Soft Skills in Professional Sport — Injury Rehab Network

Footballers linking arms on a football pitch

The second Injury Rehab Network event of October 2024 with BASRaT, is taking place on Thursday 24th October with a presentation from colin Lewin. Colin will discuss the importance of effective communication, organisational and leadership skills in professional sport. Taking place online on Thursday 24th October 2024 from 7pm – 8pm. The post event blog and recording are available here.

Colin Lewin

Colin Lewin, Chartered Physiotherapist

Colin qualified as a Chartered Physiotherapist from the University of Brighton in 1995, before joining Arsenal Football Club later that year as assistant physiotherapist. In 2008, he became Head of Medical Services at Arsenal Football Club and remained in that role until May 2018.
In that ten-year period, Colin oversaw the evolution and development of the medical team supervising a staff that grew from seven to twelve. He was also a member of the planning group that designed a purpose-built medical building in 2012 and a new £17 million player performance centre in 2017.

Colin implemented the Research & Development arm to the medical team in 2015. This resulted in the co-publishing of articles, editorials and podcasts in various journals including BJSM, Tendon, and Aspetar journal. Along with Dr. Gary O’Driscoll, Colin was the founder of the annual Arsenal FC SEMS conference which ran for 9/10 years from 2011.

Colin has visited many sporting environments including a number of NBA, NHL, NFL, Major League Baseball teams and major universities to broaden his knowledge of other facilities and methods utilised in managing sports injuries. Colin speaks regularly at sports medicine conferences at home and abroad and also guest lectures at universities in the UK. He is currently co-director of The Lewin Sports Injury Clinic in East London/ Essex and also works for the FA with the Para football teams as well as providing the Medical Team for SoccerAid for UNICEF every year with his cousin Gary Lewin.

“Soft Skills in Professional Sport”

Colin’s presentation will share insights from his 30-year career in sports medicine, and consider the importance of effective communication, organisational and leadership skills.

Post event blog and recording

The next event of the Injury Rehab Network

The next event of the Injury Rehab Network in partnership with BASRaT will take place online on Thursday 24th October from 7pm – 8pm. Anyone professionally involved with or studying sports medicine, performance and rehabilitation from injury is welcome to attend – click here for the post event blog and recording.
There is a LinkedIn group for the Injury Rehab Network where the latest updates and information are shared.

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